One day Turtle found Monkey feeding fish at the river.
”Have you noticed what happens when two fish go for the same
piece of food and only one gets it? What does the other one do?
Become angry
and start a fight or sad and start crying?
No, they just turn away and search
for new food. We could learn alot from the fish.”
One evening at the fire Monkey spoke to the animals:
”In the beginning you get all kind of thoughts, and they do
their best to convince you that meditation is all right for some people but
totally wrong for you. In my case meditation started out tedious and painful
beyond anything you would believe. Now i am happy i stayed on the path and get
the rewards of it.”
Hare spotted crazy Frog putting salt around his house. ”What are you doing that for?” Hare asked. ”To keep the giant snails away” crazy Frog replied ”But there are no Giant snails around here,” Hare objected. ”I know. Works good, right?” Mtfbwy Fugen